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Do You Really Need Vitamin C & Retinol to Fight Aging?

Do You Really Need Vitamin C & Retinol to Fight Aging?

Need of Vitamin C & Retinol in Your Anti-Agin Routine.

Skin aging is a natural human phenomenon. The signs of aging get visible on your skin first, before being evident on any other part of the body. Factors like genetics, hormonal activities, sun exposure and pollution aids in aging. Culmination of these factors result in visible changes on the skin surface. Aging signs include wrinkles, sagging skin and uneven skin tone. Lifestyle changes, healthy diet and a good skincare routine can fight the signs of aging.

An effective anti-aging skincare routine must have two important ingredients. They are vitamin C and retinols. These powerful ingredients also help in building a healthier skin. Here are three reasons why retinols and vitamin C should be a part of your anti-aging routine:

1. Protection from the sun:

Excessive exposure to the sunlight is a reason for aging. The harmful substances in the air (free radicals) causes your skin to oxidize over time, which inflicts harm on the skin. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the effects caused by these substances. It also protects skin from Ultraviolet (UV) rays and air pollution. Applying vitamin C and following it with a layer of sunscreen ensures that your skin is safe from the sun. 

While vitamin C protects the skin from the sun, retinols (a derivative of vitamin A) help reduce the damage caused by the sun. Retinols increase cell turnover, which results in the fading of sunspots and other discolored skin cells.

2. Increases collagen production:

Wrinkles and fine lines are another sign of aging. Collagen is a protein found in our body that acts as a natural filler. Collagen maintains skin structure and elasticity. This substance is present in plenty in your body when you are young. As you get older, collagen decreases. This would result in the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. Vitamin C has properties that increases collagen production in skin cells. Since it acts as a powerful shield, vitamin C ensures that the free radicals do not harm the cells’ collagen production. Studies have shown that retinol also helps in the production of collagen in cells. Applying retinol results in increasing blood circulation to the skin. This in turn helps in reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

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3. Skin Brightening:

Hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone are another sign of aging. They are a result of exposure to sun or age-related hormonal change. Vitamin C helps with regulating the skin’s melanin production. This evens the skin tone, fades hyper-pigmentation and lightens acne scars. Retinols thin out the top layer of the skin. This makes the skin toned and improves its texture. Retinols also help in reducing hyper pigmentation by regulating melanin production. This results the skin to brighten.

Aging is an unavoidable process that cannot be stopped but can be slowed down. To fight those aging signs, including vitamin C and retinols in your skincare routine is all you must do. They are the magic ingredients to the elixir of youthful, glowing, and healthy skin.

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