Hair Removal Guide – What Method Works Best for You?

The Woman Behind BeautyLife Magazine, Chief Editor of the BeautyLife…
Should you do it yourself at home or have it removed by a professional?
Hair removal is a topic that preoccupies lots of people worldwide. Not just women, but certainly many men as well. There are several different methods for hair removal. In this Hair Removal Guide you will find some advantages and disadvantages of the various methods that also confirm or disprove various myths about hair removal.
No matter where on your body you have unwanted hair growth, it’s possible to have it removed. Some women (and men) prefer to have it done at a clinic, but not everyone have the money or the time to get it removed at beauty clinics. There are a number of methods and devices you can start with for hair removal at home.
How do you get rid of unwanted hair growth? Look into the different methods of hair removal, and some pros and cons to help you decide.
Tired of prickly stumps on your legs, wild hair in the bikini line or bushy eyebrows? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one. Fortunately, there are several ways to get rid of unwanted hair. Do you know all the possibilities? Do you know what method that’s the best solution for you? Let’s dive in.
Hair removal is not a new phenomenon. It has been practiced for millennia by both genders. Lots of Men and Women around the world get their hair removed frequently. And that, of course, is due to the simple reason that some of us are equipped with hair in places where we would rather be free of hair growth.
If you have decided to start on the lifelong journey of hair removal, it’s important to find a method that works best for you, a method that is suitable for your skin, well being and pain limits. – Satisfying your beauty ideals is not always pain free.
The most common methods of hair removal are shaving, hair removal with wax, use of hair removal cream, laser treatments IPL (intense pulsed light) or hair plucking.
You will have advantages and disadvantages of the different methods and large price differences depending on your wallet size. Some of the methods are doable for yourself at home, while others require visiting specialised clinics or beauty salons.
Some hair removal methods works best specific placed at your body or face, while others are better methods for targeted areas of your body and skin. Your choice of hair removal also differs to variables of what works best for you as an individual.
Hair Removal Methods – Pros & Cons
Most people who remove unwanted hair growth do so for aesthetic reasons. It is primarily professional athletes such as swimmers and racing cyclists who remove the hair for other reasons like performance enhancing measures to compete better related to their choice of sport, many bodybuilders and fitness professionals do it too.
The most common reason for hair removal is that many men and women don’t feel, see or think that it looks nice with hair in certain places, or think that other people see them differently or even repulsively.
Glamour Magazine have asked how Women feel about Body Hair:
Talk with your partner and listen to what she or he likes before removing anything that the “standard” thinks you should do, or what the media is causing you to believe “is the perfect look” or the “sexiest” version of yourself. You will actually end up being surprised about your partner probably have different views of what makes you sexy and beautiful. 😉
If you are one of those who would like to be hair free in various areas of your body, the best thing is to find a good method of hair removal that works best for you and your everyday life, schedule and pain threshold.
Shaving – Hair Removal With the Good Old Razor

Shaving – Hair Removal With the Razor
Shaving and hair removal with the razor is very common. Most people have probably become acquainted with the good old acquaintance, the Razor.
The razor is a regular resident in most bathrooms and works for many women as the easiest and fastest way to remove hair.
Many women feel that they get thicker and darker hair after a shave. However, getting thicker hair after shaving, is a myth. The reason for the stinging sensation is that hair is thinnest at the tip and thickest at the root. The hair therefore feels thicker because you cut the hair in the middle when you shave.
Shaving is probably the most common method of hair removal. Not least if we also include men’s daily shaving of the face to remove their unwanted beard growth. In this article, however, it is not men’s daily face shaving that will be the focus.
For the vast majority of people, shaving is the first hair removal method they become familiar with, because it is easy and straightforward. It just requires a razor, then you are up and running and you can use a razor anywhere.
However, it is definitely recommended to use more than just a razor. It is harsh diet for the skin if your skin is not softened before shaving. It’s recommended to moisturize the skin with a warm bath before shaving. This also makes the hair stand straight out on the skin, which helps you with a good shave and better results of removing the hair smoothly.
In addition, it’s important to keep the skin free of bacteria in regard to your shaving routines, as the skin easily are exposed to small tears where the bacteria can frolic for an uncomfortable experience with your shaving, red bumps or beard plague. It is recommended that you wash yourself with a body wash that counteracts bacteria.
It’s always important to take good care of the skin after a shave to avoid irritated skin and possibly beard plague, which is an inflammatory condition that occurs in the skin after shaving.
Therefore, finish shaving with a good antibacterial cream, preferably a special aftershave balm or a special aftershave against beard plague that contains soothing, cooling and caring ingredients.
Instead of a normal razor, you can use a special razor designed for women. Razors for women, depending on brand and model, are specially designed for thinner hair than a male beard. So try to avoid buying razors for men or avoid using your boyfriends razor.
Advantages of Shaving:
This type of hair removal is quick and painless. The method is easy and doesn’t require much preparation. You can do it yourself at home in the bathroom, and the skin feels nice, soft and smooth right after. At the same time, it is the cheapest solution.
- It’s a cheap method.
- It’s easy and fast.
- You can do it yourself at home.
- It’s painless – unless you’re cutting yourself.
- You have a good result with a soft and hairless skin right away.
Disadvantages of Shaving:
Your hair come back quickly and can feel hard and prickly. There is a risk of irritation, ingrown hairs and red bumps – especially in the bikini line, and if it you’re in a hurry a shave yourself too fast, you may end up cutting yourself with the razor blades. Therefore, it’s important that you remember to use a shaving foam that moisturize the skin and reduces irritation after the shaving routines.
- The hair grows out again quickly.
- You need to shave very often if you want to completely avoid visible hair.
- The hairs feel thick and prickly as they grow out.
- You’ll risk getting red bumps and ingrown hairs, specially at your thin skin in the bikini line.
- You risk spreading bacteria to other places on your body if the razor is not kept clean.
Laser Hair Removal or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

Laser or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)
Hair removal with lasers / IPL (intensely pulsating light) is an option if you want to get rid of the unwanted hair growth forever. The laser treatment works by the heat from the light beam destroying the hair follicles, which then stops producing your hair. You can get Laser or IPL treatment done at different clinics and tend to be a bit expensive.
Hair removal using laser requires a visit to a local clinic that can perform the hair removal treatment. It is a very effective hair removal method, but also a method that takes time. The treatment itself does not take that long, but it requires several laser treatments before you are completely hair-free.
Laser hair removal is also called IPL (intensely pulsed light) or ellipse hair removal. The treatment takes place precisely by a light beam hitting the hair shaft, whereby the hair, the root and the hair follicle are burned and thus destroyed. It is not dangerous in any way, but does hurt a bit.
Laser treatments and IPL (intensely pulsed light) Home Treatments has becomes available for the “Do it Yourself” lovers, various devices are available for purchase to help you with the hair removal anywhere if you’d prefer to try yourself or avoid the visit to a professional clinic. Just make sure you read reviews about the different devices and products before buying them.
Benefits of Laser hair removal:
You get permanent hair removal, so you do not have to have daily exercises with the razor when showering. It is gentle on the skin and you can get laser treatments basically everywhere on your body.
- After several treatments, you can become more or less completely hairless.
- The whole body can be treated, including the face.
Disadvantages of hair removal with Laser:
The treatment does not work on blond, red or grey hair. You may find that the skin becomes red and sore immediately after a treatment. However, the soreness passes after a few hours. In addition, several treatments are needed for a good result, which also makes it an expensive solution.
- It is very expensive.
- Only dark hair is affected by the laser.
- Red, blond and grey can not be treated.
- Hair removal is not 100% permanent.
Hair removal with Wax

Hair removal with Wax
With this method, you apply hot wax on the area you need to have waxed, lay a strip over it and move it – pull in the opposite the direction. As the hair grows, the hair are pulled up at the root, which means that this type of hair removal is also very painful.
Hair removal with wax can be done at home, or you can have it done at a clinic by a beautician. It’s more expensive to have it done at a clinic, the good thing is that you’ll have an experienced cosmetologist who does it for you and you’ll get rid of the hassle and wax mess at home. It requires a special technique to do it right, and it can be difficult and painful to master the beauty-session yourself – at least the first few times.
When you remove your hair with wax, you apply hot wax to the area you want to treat. Then place a small piece of fabric or paper specially designed for the purpose on the skin and quickly pull it off. The hairs then follow. Each hair is torn out by the root and you become hair-free significantly longer than by shaving or using hair removal cream. But it hurts to get your hair pulled out by its roots.
Many people choose a wax treatment for intimate hair removal, as it is easier and more comfortable than shaving. A “Hollywood Hair Removal” removes all pubic hair. A “Brazilian Hair Removal” removes most of the pubic hair, but still leaves a small streak or triangle of hair. With a “Tanga Hair Removal” or a “Californian Hair Removal”, you do not remove quite as much hair, but enough to go flash yourself with a Tanga Bikini.
Benefits of hair removal with Wax:
Since each hair is removed at the root, it takes longer time for the hair to grow out again compared with shaving. When your hair starts reappearing, the hair are soft and fine, and it can take up to 6 weeks before you need to think about hair removal again.
Wax is an effective method where you can take large areas at once. If you grow hair regularly over time, fewer and thinner hair will appear. Wax can be used all over your body and for hair removal in your face. Waxing is a quick way for hair removal.
- Waxing lasts a longer time than shaving – up to several weeks.
- Waxing a relatively quick method.
- You avoid hard hair stumps because each hair is softer when it grow back out.
- You can remove hair with wax all over your body and face.
Disadvantages of hair removal with Wax:
It’s very painful, as in very much painful. If you choose to show up in a clinic, it can be a bit expensive at the same time since you have maintain every 4 -5 weeks. In addition, your hair must be about half a cm in order for the fabric to get a proper grip. You have to let the hair grow out and live with your hair on your legs for a period before you can remove it again and become hair free.
- It hurts.
- It’s not cheap – especially if you get it done at a clinic every month.
- It’s at bit cumbersome to do it yourself.
- You risk getting red bumps and ingrown hairs for a few days after the treatment.
- The hairs must have a certain length (about half a cm), otherwise it’s not possible to pull them short tiny bastards out. This means that you have to walk around with unwanted hair growth for several days before you can get the next treatment.
Hair removal with Sugar – Sugaring
Hair removal with sugar – Sugaring.
Sugaring works basically the same way as waxing. The difference is that you use a warm mass of sugar instead of wax, and that the hairs are torn out with the direction of growth instead of the opposite way. This makes sugar method less painful than regular wax. Unlike wax, the sugar mass doesn’t get a grip of the top layer of your skin and the sugar only pulls out your hair leaving your skin free from being stretched in every pull.
Sugaring is an ancient method from the Middle East. It is very similar to a wax treatment, but instead of wax you use a hot sugar mass. The method is far less painful, more gentle on the skin, and then the hairs do not have to have a certain length before you can treat again.
Not all clinics or beauty salons can help you Sugaring. Similar to wax treatments, the Sugaring ends up being a bit expensive when done frequently.
Benefits of Hair Removal with Sugaring
Because your hair is torn out in the direction of growth, you avoid breaking them. In addition, you can use sugaring right away when the hair start to grow out again so you do not have to walk around with half-length hair on your legs in need of a hairdresser. If you are a DIY champion, you can even try making your own sugar mass. Be careful with the hot sugar mass and have respect for the risk of getting burned.
Disadvantages of Hair Removal with Sugaring
It’s usually a little more expensive to get a sugaring than a regular waxing at a clinic, and not all places offer this “sweet” type of hair removal experience.
Hair removal with Epilator

Hair removal with Epilator
Hair removal with epilator is very similar to shaving. Here you use a special razor that pulls out your hair. It obviously hurts quite a bit. It’s also a method that takes longer time. You can do it at home at any time when it suits you the best.
Not everyone have the same success using an epilator – most people give up because it is simply too painful. If successful, it will last for several weeks before you have to go through the pain again. However, epilation is hard on the skin, you risk getting small red dots, red bumps and ingrown hair – similar risks as you get with a wax treatment.
Benefits of Hair Removal with Epilator
You can do it at home, in the living room or where ever it suits you. The hair needs more time to grow back out and over time you will experience less hair. Once you have invested in one of these painful epilators, you don’t need anything else to get started with your painful beauty routines to remove your hair.
Disadvantages of hair removal with Epilator
It is very painful at first, but most people agree that it will become more bearable over time. Some people experience that the hair cracks instead of being pulled out. You may end up having to repeat the same areas several times to achieve a satisfying result.
Hair removal with Hair Removal Cream
Hair removal with Hair Removal Cream
Use of hair removal cream. If you prefer to do the hair removal yourself at home, you can use a hair removal cream. You can buy the hair removal cream almost anywhere in major supermarkets, pharmacies, health and beauty retailers. Mostly you’ll find different creams suitable for either the face, legs, bikini line, etc.
A hair removal cream is a cream with chemicals that go in and dissolve your hair at the skin surface. The cream should be at your skin for a while, after which you should remove it (and then the hair) with the tools that follows the package. It’s important to follow the instructions and guidelines very carefully. Washing your skin with warm water before the treatment, the skin is open and you may risk severe irritation. While some love this method, many others won’t see or get any satisfactory results.
Hair removal cream is, as the word suggests, a cream that removes your hair. You apply the cream any place were you want to be hairless, wait some time and then rub the hair off. Hair removal cream works by breaking down the protein in your hair whereafter it gets dissolved. When dissolved you can rub your hair leftovers off as easily as nothing.
Benefits of Hair Removal Cream:
It’s easy and you avoid the feeling of hair stubbles at your legs when the hair start to grow back out. It lasts longer than a shaving. It’s relatively inexpensive and requires no preparation.
- It is an inexpensive method.
- It’s easy and fast.
- You can do it yourself at home.
- It is painless.
- It is a good method at sensitive areas such as the bikini line.
Disadvantages of Hair Removal Cream:
It’s chemistry and chemicals you apply. It can end up giving skin irritation and rashes. Remember to test whether you can tolerate the cream or chemicals used before lubricating your whole body with the products you try. There may be a slightly hefty odor to the use of these creams, but most manufacturers have gradually become better at hiding the harsh odor and smell with perfume or added fragrances.
- It is far from all creams that work.
- Not everyone experiences good results with this method.
- The hair grows back out quickly.
- Most creams smell bad.
- Hair removal cream contains chemicals.
Look for natural hair removal methods and products without chemicals.
Threading – Hair removal with a Thread (epilation)
Threading – Hair removal with a Thread (epilation)
Threading is mainly used for the removal of facial hair – especially the eyebrows and unwanted hair on the upper lip and chin. The treatment takes place by rolling a thread over the hair, which then are pulled out at the hair follicle.
Hair removal with a thread is an ancient Middle Eastern hair removal method. It is a method that requires a very special technique and good experience to succeed. This is done by running a thin cotton thread over the hair with both hands and removing them with a snap. It is a very effective method if you know the technique and it’s not as painful as wax treatments. It will take some time to treat larger areas, Hair removal with thread, or threading, as it is called, is probably most suitable for the face.
Threading is a method of hair removal originating in Iran, India, Central Asia. In more recent times it has gained popularity in Western countries, especially with a cosmetic application, particularly for removing and shaping of eyebrows.
Make Up Artist Ami Desai shares great tips for getting started with Threading at Home.
Benefits of Hair Removal with a Thread
You can “thread” very short hair. Meaning that you do not have to walk around looking like a bush woman from the stone age and wait for your eyebrows to be tamed. The method is very gentle, making it perfect for sensitive and irritable skin.
Disadvantages of Hair Removal with a Thread
Threading is not yet used for hair on the body, and a single treatment of eyebrows at a clinic can quickly end up being pricey bill for removing your unwanted hair.
Hair removal – Plucking or Tweezing
Hair removal – Plucking or Tweezing
Plucking is probably a method most people have tried. With tweezers, you quickly remove a single unwanted hair here and there. It’s a very effective method, but it’s not completely painless and takes some time unless it is just a few individual removals. It is probably a method that is suitable for your eyebrows and minor areas around the body or face.
It is a cheap method that only requires tweezers. Be careful when picking your eyebrows. Since they are not grow out right away, take one hair at a time and make sure you have good light and good time to do it.
Benefits of Plucking or Tweezing
Tweezing is useful for shaping eyebrows and removing stray hair in the face.
Disadvantages of Plucking or Tweezing
Besides being a slow and painful option, tweezing can break the hair instead of pulling it out, which can cause thicker regrowth. Also, there’s a risk of infection if the tweezers are not properly sterilized.
Important to Remember Before and After Your Hair Removal.
Hair removal can be a harsh diet for the skin. You will not get around that. It serves you more than good to treat the skin well, and with care, before and after any hair removal.
Before you start removing your hair, it’s a good idea to clean your skin with a good antibacterial soap. It both cleanses and softens your skin. If you need to shave your hair off, a hot bath can be a good option. It softens the hair and your skin and makes it easier to remove the hair while shaving. When using other hair removal methods such as hair removal cream or wax, it’s important to cleanse the skin free of bacteria before getting started.
Once you have finished removing your unwanted hair, the skin will be very happy and benefit from some loving care. Lubricate the skin with a good body lotion or, even better, a special aftershave conditioner specially designed for after shave use. It has a nourishing and cooling effect on irritated skin. It can help you prevent red bumps, ingrown hairs and irritated skin, which is the skin’s reaction to harsh treatments.
Ingrown hairs are caused by infection in the hair follicles, which causes the hairs to grow backwards. Whichever method you choose for hair removal, leave the hair follicles open after the hair have been pulled out or shaved off.
If bacteria are present on your skin, it can penetrate the hair follicles and infections occur. Therefore, it is very important to keep your skin clean with an antibacterial soap or an antiseptic lotion that closes your skin and counteracts the growth of bacteria just after performing your hair removal routines.
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The Woman Behind BeautyLife Magazine, Chief Editor of the BeautyLife Media Group and Quality Curator of Products Reviews. Beauty Addict, Polyglot, Aviator and a Globetrotter.