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How To Build The Best Eczema-Friendly Skincare Routine

How To Build The Best Eczema-Friendly Skincare Routine

How To Build The Best Eczema-Friendly Skincare Routine

Eczema is a skin condition in which flare-ups occur if exposed to environmental triggers. It is a chronic condition manifesting as dry skin, itching, scaly patches, and sores. If you or your loved ones suffer from eczema, then you must know that a balanced skincare routine is essential to maintain your skin and prevent future flare-ups. 

Six Tips Eczema-Friendly Skincare Routine

Here are a few tips to help build up your eczema skincare routine:

  1. Applying moisturizer:

The key part of your eczema skincare routine is to keep your skin moisturized at all times. This helps prevent flare-ups and provides relief when flare-ups occur. Moreover, it can help prevent itching, the formation of dry patches on the skin, and skin irritation. It is advisable to apply moisturizer within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower because your skin may dry out once the water evaporates from your skin.


Controlling Eczema by Moisturizing. (n.d.). Retrieved from National Eczema Association:

  1. Use sunscreen:

Avoiding sun exposure and the use of sunscreen is an essential part of your eczema skincare routine. You must choose sunscreens that contain physical blockers rather than chemical blockers such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. These ingredients are gentler on the skin and less irritating.

  1. Avoid harsh soaps:

Harsh soaps rip off moisture from the skin. Moreover, soaps are alkaline while our skin is acidic, and disturbing this balance just messes up everything.  This can worsen your eczema symptoms and result in frequent flare-ups. 

  1. Consider fragrance-free products:

Considering using fragrance-free products-your makeup, laundry detergents, hair spray, and your cleaning supplies, everything should be fragrance-free. Fragrant components in your products could result in extreme flare-ups as patients with eczema as very sensitive to contact dermatitis. Read the labels and look for ‘fragrance-free’ and ‘dye-free’ products that are gentler on the skin.

  1. Consider the use of ointments or prescription creams:

Ointments and prescription creams could prove to be the best moisturizers for your skin. The reason is that these ointments and creams have a higher concentration of oil-based ingredients than lotions. Higher content of oil or oil-based ingredients have two benefits; they lock in moisture and help keep irritants out of your skin.

  1. Ingredients to avoid in your skincare routine:

Following are the ingredients that you should abstain using in your skincare products:

  • Retinoids/ Vitamin A
  • Propylene glycol
  • Urea
  • Fragrances
  • Ethanol
  • Lanolin
  • Cocamidopropyl betaine

Skincare Routine Example

Cleanse: It may not be a good option to use soap in the morning. Instead, remove oil from your face using water and a soft cloth. Cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser at night.

Moisturize: Use a gentle moisturizer after taking a shower. Pat yourself dry and apply the moisturizer on your damp skin to lock the moisture within your skin.

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Treat: Use your prescription cream (if any) to the affected areas.

Protect: Apply sunscreen generously before heading out in the sun.

What Is Eczema? Causes, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Courtesy of Medical Centric

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