Can Skin Rush be Caused by Cleaning & Laundry Products?

The Woman Behind BeautyLife Magazine, Chief Editor of the BeautyLife…
We all want to have a clean house, and we love the scent of fresh laundry. However, getting a skin rash from cleaning products you use daily and laundry detergent can cause serious skin problems.
If you noticed some skin irritations, a household product might be its cause.
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
Most household products result in skin irritations; the people who experience contact dermatitis are dealing with a skin rash we call irritant contact dermatitis.
Irritant contact dermatitis comes from exposure to a product that could irritate anyone’s skin. You’re not specifically allergic to it, but because of the harsh chemicals, it strips the oils away and leaves your skin red, inflamed, itchy, and generally uncomfortable.
Consider the soap you are using
Soap is one of the most common culprits of irritated skin. Many of us wash our hands too much. The use of strong soaps can be very aggressive and strips your skin of the natural oils and moisture it needs to protect itself. Always opt for a gentle and hydrating cleanser.
Household Cleaners
Consider what household cleaners you’re using as well. Household cleaners often contain chemicals that work well for their purpose but work against your skin. Remember that you can always use gloves, but the best option is choosing gentle household cleaners.
Laundry detergent
Some of the laundry detergent brands can ruin your clothing, but it can also be causing you skin rash and eczema, especially in children. Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a condition that makes your skin red and itchy. It’s common in children but can occur at any age. Atopic dermatitis is long-lasting (chronic) and tends to flare periodically. Some laundry detergent might be so aggressive that they can cause Eczema and other skin problems.
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The Woman Behind BeautyLife Magazine, Chief Editor of the BeautyLife Media Group and Quality Curator of Products Reviews. Beauty Addict, Polyglot, Aviator and a Globetrotter.