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Things to know about Hair Loss & Female Alopecia

Things to know about Hair Loss & Female Alopecia

Hair loss is a constant and natural process that accompanies ageing and that, to date, was much more common in men than in women. But statistical studies reveal that pathological hair loss affects more than 45% of women and that the factors that cause this alopecia are common to both sexes.

In addition to the already known genetic and hormonal factors, environmental factors are becoming more important every day, due to changes in the social and work life of most women.

Alopecia in women

Hair is a living organic structure in permanent renewal, and, as such, each hair follicle has a specific biological cycle that includes birth, growth and loss. The problem of alopecia begins when, at a certain age or in a particular circumstance, the loss exceeds the birth of new hair and, therefore, the density in the scalp begins to decrease. Alopecia can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. Alopecia can result from heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of ageing. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it’s more common in men.

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How to prevent hair loss?

The best way to prevent hair loss is by contacting a doctor or dermatologist when you start noticing more hair loss than normal. However, there are easy measures to implement that can help you prevent this situation.

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  • Regular and periodic hygiene of the scalp using hair products suitable for your scalp.
  • Avoid external aggressions and protect your hair from solar radiation and other potentially harmful chemicals in the hair, such as colouring, the use of cheap shampoos and bleaching.
  • Get periodic revitalizing treatments applied by an expert.
  • Treat potentially harmful hormonal changes to the hair, but always under a doctor’s prescription.
  • Follow a varied and healthy diet, consisting of fresh and natural foods.
  • If the doctor considers it necessary, take vitamin and mineral supplements (cysteine, iron, zinc, etc.)
  • Avoid stress, anxiety or situations of physical or mental fatigue.

People typically lose between 50 to 100 hairs a day. This usually isn’t noticeable because new hair is growing in at the same time. Hair loss occurs when new hair doesn’t replace the hair that has fallen out.

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